How to add collaborators to a procedure

How to add collaborators to a procedure

What adding collaborators to a procedure allows - 
  1. Collaborators get full visibility of the procedure
  2. Collaborators get full editing rights for the procedure, including the ability to - 
    1. create and edit content
    2. manage procedure teams
    3. manage procedure collaborators

What you need in order to be able to add collaborators to a procedure  - 
  1. Access to the Zaptic Portal through
  2. Procedure Management permissions within the portal
  3. You need to be a collaborator on the procedure you wish to add the user too, or be able to raise this request with a current collaborator
How to add collaborators to a procedure

1. Enter the Zaptic portal through 

2. Select the procedures tab from the tabs across the top of the page -

3. Select the procedure you wish to add collaborators too, that you are already a collaborator on

4. Press the plus symbol near the list of current collaborators - 

5 Enter new collaborator emails, and finalise by selecting ''add collaborators'' - 

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